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Safety Resources

For more information about safety efforts in the Detroit Shoreway, Cudell, and Edgwater neighborhoods, you may contact our Safety Coordinator at 216.961.4242 x301 or by email

Safety Camera Program

Residents who purchase and install cameras for their home can register their cameras with County’s Security Camera Mapping Project.  


Residents interested in installing alarm systems and cameras for their home can review these options, articles, tips and tricks at safewise. 

Graffiti Removal and Streetlight Repair

Northwest Neighborhoods works with private property owners, the City of Cleveland and residents to abate graffiti.


If you see graffiti in the neighborhood, please call 216.961.4242 x301 or send an email


Residents should report streetlight outages for repairs. To report an outage, make a note of the address of the light and call 216.621.5483 (LITE), or report the outage online.

Calling for Assistance

If you find someone in need of shelter, health intervention, conflict mediation or other assistance, call FrontLine at 216.623.6888, available 24/7.


If you have safety concerns that do not present an immediate danger, call the police non-emergency number at 216.621.1234.

Vision Zero and Safe Routes to School

Vision Zero is a City initiative to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.


Safe Routes to School is an ongoing community project focused on encouraging and enabling students in grades k-8 to walk or ride their bicycle to school. 

Neighboring Projects

Northwest Neighborhoods sponsors and encourages residents’ “neighboring” projects, which create meaningful neighbor-to-neighbor connections.


Resources for projects can include Neighborhood Connections grants, ioby crowdfunding campaigns and our Neighboring Fund mini-grants.


For help developing a neighboring project or seeking funds, please contact us at 216.961.4242 x301.

Sign up for CodeRED

Stay informed about emergency situations in the neighborhood. Visit and click the CodeRED icon on the right to sign up for emergency alerts. 


Both land lines and cell phones can be registered. Prepare for snow storms, tornadoes, power outages, flooding, and more. 


Call 216.961.4242 with any questions.

Care Response Program

Care response deploys unarmed mental health professionals and peer support specialists to mental health crises, instead of law enforcement officers.


With a focus on care, connection, and collaboration, the care responders are ready to answer to those in need, ensuring they receive the appropriate resources and assistance. Residents of 44102 and 44105 in the City of Cleveland can dial 988 to connect with the care response team.  The Care Response Pilot Program is currently available 7am-5pm with 24/7 program availability is coming soon. 

To learn more about care response, please visit this link.

Illegal Dumping

Open dumping of scrap tires and debris is a felony in the State of Ohio. If you see illegal dumping while it is happening, please call 911. If you find an area where illegal dumping has occurred, call the City’s Division of Waste Collection at 216.664.3867 for removal.


The County’s Crime Stoppers will pay a cash reward up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest and indictment of an illegal dumper. Call Crime Stoppers at 216.252.7463 or submit a tip here.

Gordon Square Arts District Safety Escorts

Patrons and employees of Gordon Square Arts District businesses can receive a free walking escort by an Ambassador, typically on Friday and Saturday evenings from 3:30pm–midnight.


To receive an escort, call the Downtown Cleveland Ambassadors at 216.621.6000.

Free Safety Audits

Request to have a 2nd District Police Officer inspect your property to determine ways to make it less likely to be targeted by criminals.


To schedule a free home safety audit, email our Safety Coordinator.

2nd District Community Relations

The 2nd District Police Community Relations Committee gathers at the Applewood Center (3518 West 25th Street) the second Tuesday of the month (except in January) at 7pm.


Participate and hear presentations from the police department, prosecutor’s office and other organizations.


For more information, call 216.623.5205. 


Northwest Neighborhoods is the nonprofit provider of affordable housing and community development services for Cudell, Detroit Shoreway and Edgewater on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. As a community-led organization, we equitably foster diverse, vibrant neighborhoods that are physically and socially connected, where anyone can thrive.


Northwest Neighborhoods was formed in 2021 through a members-approved merger of Cudell Improvement, Inc. and Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization. 

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