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Home Resources

Northwest Neighborhoods works with many partners to help residents meet their housing needs in our diverse, mixed-income communities.


If you are a Detroit Shoreway, Cudell, Edgewater, or West Boulevard resident, contact our Healthy Homes Coordinator at 216.961.4242 x223 or by email for help choosing and applying for resources or to have printed materials mailed to you.


If you are looking to apply for rental housing owned by Northwest Neighborhoods, visit our Rental Property page.

Rent & Utility Assistance

For utility assistance, including programs like HEAP or PIPP, see CHN Housing Partners’ Utility Assistance programs or call 216.325.6541.

Homestead utility discounts are available for residents who also receive the Homestead tax exemption (for residents who are 65 or older or permanently disabled).


For Homestead water and sewer discounts, visit or call 216.664.3130 to complete an application.


Cleveland Public Power customers may also receive a Homestead discount by using a water bill to show eligibility. Once you receive the Homestead water/sewer discount, contact Cleveland Public Power at 216.664.4600 to inquire about a discount utility rate.

City of Cleveland Paint Program

The City of Cleveland’s Paint Program provides free vouchers for exterior paint and supplies for owner-occupants and tenants to help maintain the home exterior and reduce lead-based paint hazards. For more information call 216.664.2000.


Funds are limited. Download the application here: English | Spanish


Program vouchers only cover paint and supplies; no labor is covered. The program also requires lead safety training for recipients.


If you are a Detroit Shoreway, Cudell, Edgewater or West Boulevard resident, contact our Healthy Homes Coordinator at 216.961.4242 x223 or by email to learn more or have a printed application mailed to you.

Property Tax Options

The Cuyahoga County Treasury manages your property taxes. To be eligible for many home repair programs, you must be current on property taxes or enrolled in a payment plan. Check the status of your tax bill by searching for your property on the Cuyahoga County MyPlace database.


You can also call the Cuyahoga County Tax Services Department at 216.443.7420for payment plan enrollment to avoid foreclosure.


If you are current on property taxes but would like to pay your future taxes monthly rather than biannually, enroll in Cuyahoga County’s free EasyPay program. Paying property taxes monthly can make budgeting your expenses easier.

Lead Hazard Resources

Homes and rental units built before 1978 are likely to have hazardous lead sources like paint and dust. Lead is a toxin that causes health and developmental problems for infants, children, pregnant women and adults.


The City of Cleveland’s Lead Hazard Control Program provides lead paint remediation for low-income households, including renters. The household must a child under the age of six or a pregnant woman. Call 216.664.2045 for more information.


CHN Housing Partners’ Lead Program provides loans, grants and incentives to property owners to help them obtain the lead safe certification required by the City in 2021. Call 216.574.7100 for more information.


For more information about the Cleveland community’s efforts to prevent lead poisoning, visit the Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition.

50/50 Sidewalk Replacement Program

Residents are responsible for maintaining sidewalks along their property, and the City of Cleveland’s 50/50 Sidewalk Residential Replacement Program provides residents 50% of the replacement costs. Eligible repairs include sidewalks, driveway aprons, and curb cuts. For more information call 216.664.2232.

Home Weatherization

Protect your home against the elements, decrease energy consumption, and improve energy efficiency. As part of the Resilient Cleveland initiative, Northwest Neighborhoods is proud to recommend the CHN Housing Partners’ Home Weatherization Program to neighborhood residents. Homeowners and renters may be eligible to receive the following FREE services:

  • Home insulation

  • Energy-efficient appliances

  • Light bulbs

  • New furnace

  • New hot water tank


Homeowners and renters alike can expect to save up to 30% on their monthly utility bills.

Apply for the Home Weatherization program with CHN. For questions, or to be mailed a CHN application, please call the Northwest Neighborhoods offices at 216.961.4242 x223.


If your household income exceeds the CHN guidelines, some utility providers offer energy audit and rebate programs.

Housing Enhancement Loan Program (HELP)

Cuyahoga County’s HELP provides low-interest loans to owners of single-family and multi-family dwellings for the purpose enhancing or improving the property’s livability. For more information, call 216.443.2149.

Hebrew Free Loan Association

The Hebrew Free Loan Association offers interest free loans to individuals in need—for home, business, education or medical expenses. Proof of income and a co-signer are required. For more information, call 216.378.9042.

Knowing Your Home Education Series

The free Knowing Your Home workshops from LakewoodAlive focus on sustainability and home maintenance best practices. Topics include window and door molding, plaster repair, how to hire a contractor and more.

Empowering and Strengthening Ohio's People (ESOP)

ESOP works with homeowners and their loan servicers to obtain affordable resolutions that preserve homeownership. ESOP will help obtain financial assistance and/or negotiate with a loan servicer for an affordable mortgage solution. For questions, call 216.361.0718.

Home Repair Resource Center

The Home Repair Resource Center in Cleveland Heights offers low-cost, hands-on workshops for basic and DIY home repair skills, as well as a tool lending library. They also provide housing and financial counseling and foreclosure prevention. For questions, contact 216.381.6100.

City of Cleveland "Repair-A-Home" Program

“Repair-A-Home” offers low-interest loans for owner occupants of 1 to 2 family dwellings who meet income guidelines. Support for some mechanical repairs or health/safety related repairs is also available. The City is required to inspect your home, and the loan will be issued to repair all code violations. For more information, call 216.664.2045.

Cleveland Restoration Society

Cleveland Restoration Society provides services to preserve the historic character of your home and increase its value, while updating interior features and installing energy efficient systems. The Heritage Home Programâ„  Loan is a low-interest fixed-rate home equity loan for homeowners to affordably maintain and improve their houses. The loan is financed through Key Bank and Third Federal Savings & Loan with rates available as low as 1.4%. Loan clients have access to written construction specifications for exterior projects, locating qualified contractors and project guidance. For more information, contact 216.426.1000.

Senior Home Repair Assistance Program

Northwest Neighborhoods has created a Senior Home Repair Assistance Program for our residents. This program provides grants of up to $500 to seniors for minor exterior repairs. Typical projects could include porch repair, ramp or handrail installation, gutter/downspout repair, minor roof work, siding repair or exterior paint.

This program is not intended to cover the full cost of a project, and we will work to refer you to other repair or financing programs.

Applicants must be:

  • owner-occupant of the home

  • 60 years of age or older or permanently disabled

  • within income guidelines


Please contact us at 216.961.4242 x223 or by email if you are interested.


For emergency repairs or modifications, senior homeowners should also apply for the HomeFix program by Western Reserve Area Agency on Aging. You can call the agency at 216.586.3772.

Senior Homeowners Assistance Program (SHAP)

The City of Cleveland’s SHAP provides grants or chore workers to Cleveland residents age 60+ or disabled adults who meet income eligibility guidelines and own single or two family homes in need of critical, health, safety and maintenance repairs. Applicants must live in the property. For more information, contact 216.664.2833.

City of Cleveland Department of Aging

The Department of Aging offers many services for senior homeowners including:

  • discounts on utility bills

  • benefits assistance

  • help with chores, bedbugs, trees and other home maintenance

  • legal assistance

  • credit counseling and more.


For more information, contact 216.664.2833.

Rebuilding Together Cleveland

RTC is annual effort to repair homes owned by low-income, elderly and disabled members of our community. RTC seeks homeowners who cannot physically or financially maintain their home themselves. Their year-round Safe at Homeprogram provides safety updates for individuals ages 60+ or with disabilities. For more information, contact 216.556.3265.

Spanish American Committee

The Spanish American Committee’s services include mortgage payment assistance, mortgage modification, home rental listings, housing discrimination assistance, housing search assistance, and landlord/tenant assistance for the Hispanic/Latino community. For more information, contact 216.961.2100.


Northwest Neighborhoods is the nonprofit provider of affordable housing and community development services for Cudell, Detroit Shoreway and Edgewater on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. As a community-led organization, we equitably foster diverse, vibrant neighborhoods that are physically and socially connected, where anyone can thrive.


Northwest Neighborhoods was formed in 2021 through a members-approved merger of Cudell Improvement, Inc. and Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization. 

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