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Join us for Northwest Neighborhoods’ Annual Meeting will be on Thursday, February 27 at Gordon Green. This event is open to all members. 

Come enjoy a free dinner, community updates, and an opportunity to connect with neighbors.

Northwest Neighborhoods annual meeting

 Our neighborhoods

Our service area is a diverse community of nearly 28,000 residents living on Cleveland’s west side along the coast of Lake Erie

Map of the Northwest Neighborhoods service area
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Housing affordability for residents with low incomes​

We own and manage 350+ units of affordable housing and are co-developing Karam Senior Living and Depot on Detroit.

We provide home repair assistance and advocate for quality housing for all. We also complete
improvements to our portfolio of 14 historic
properties, including lead remediation in partnership with CHN Housing

We host free tax preparation for 750+ households every year. For our 500+ residential tenants, NWN provides many connections to social service agencies, including
The Centers, Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center, and EDEN Inc.

We connect residents with neighborhood events, MyCom youth programming, and community groups.

We are the nonprofit owner of the Capitol Theatre and nearby commercial spaces, and we provide assistance to small businesses and the Gordon Square Arts District.

We promote community initiatives like tree plantings and Complete & Green Streets to foster healthy, connected neighborhoods.

We are investing in our staff, operations, and systems so that Northwest Neighborhoods is effective, efficient, and an employer of choice.

We have created integrated, values-based management of our properties, and we are a fiscal agent for community groups’ projects.

Northwest Neighborhoods logo

Become A Member

If you live or work north of I-90, between W. 45th & W. 117th Streets, you can become a Northwest Neighborhoods member. (Check service area map)

  • Receive invitations to special events

  • Vote in our board elections

  • Stay up-to-date with newsletters + text messages

  • Support our year-round work for affordable housing and community building


Residential memberships are $5 each year (and FREE for tenants of NWN-owned properties).

Commercial memberships are $50 each year. Institutional memberships are $15 each year.

Upcoming Events


Northwest Neighborhoods is the nonprofit provider of affordable housing and community development services for Cudell, Detroit Shoreway and Edgewater on the west side of Cleveland, Ohio. As a community-led organization, we equitably foster diverse, vibrant neighborhoods that are physically and socially connected, where anyone can thrive.

Northwest Neighborhoods was formed in 2021 through a members-approved merger of Cudell Improvement, Inc. and Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization. 

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